tisdag 15 februari 2011


"Rättshaverist" is a swedish word that might be translated as "Justice crasher" or someone with an obsession with justice. Mostly the word is used in a negative way about a persons personallity. However, even though there are exceptions, those persons are highly regarded of me and from my perspective they are in most cases people with a lot integrity and their 'epitet' is due to misstreatment from other people in the society and the justice system.

The personal trait I have the most difficulty with is indifference, to not care, especially regarding injustice of other people but also injustice to yourself (well, especially swedes sometimes don't understand they are treated unfair). In that context, I should mention that a lot of people do not understand how fortunate they are in the lottery of life.

A Swedish trait is to avoid any sort of disagreements (we tie our fist in the pocket or as we say in swedish "Vi knyter näven i fickan") and instead of making our opinion public we use the best of our diplomatic skills to avoid any confrontations. I think this is a huge human handicap and unfortunately I'm not much better than the regular swede in this aspect. On the plus side is that we are good mediators in many conflicts (but to the downside we are very naive regarding the intetntions of others)

I have a personel trait that is a big deficit and could be described as an excessive swedish trait in that "I never forget, I never (without very good reason) forgive". I can, if I consider myself being treated sufficiently bad go to any length to make "Justice" no matter how much that would cost me personally . I can also say that it takes a lot to make me that angry BUT things that (not very commonly) happens to most people during a lifetime affect me so much that I could go to almost any extreme to make "my" justice.

In many ways, I am an extremist. Of course , that epitet is in the eye of the beholder and in any given opinion I'm "normal" at least somewhere in the world. In fact, my opinion might be the opinion of the majority of people in the world but differ considerably compared to general standard in Sweden.

I won't do a lot of posts on this side but I will make an effort to give my opinion in a variety of areas where I have opinions.

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